Difference between JDK , JRE, AND JVM.

 Java Environment:-

        The development tool of Java are present of JDK and classes and methods are the part of the JSL(Java Standard Library) 

Difference between JDK , JRE, AND JVM.

What is JDK:-

-> It is a software component which provide the tools through which Java codes are execute.
-> It stands for Java Development kit. 
-> It contain JRE and some other library file within it.
-> Java is platform independent but JDK is platform dependent.
-> It runs applet.

What is JRE:-

 -> JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment.
 -> It provide the runtime where JVM executive the Code.
 -> JRE is also a software component.
 -> As it is a software component, and also it is platform dependent.
 -> It is responsible for execution of programs developed in Java.                                                              

What is JVM:-

 -> JVM stands for Java virtual machine.
 -> It is an abstract machine which have no physical existence.
 -> It executive the Java code by the help of its substance.
 -> JVM responsible for some certain jobs like manage the memory, verify the code, load the class file, generate the machine code, etc.
 -> it is a program that interpreter the intermediate down byte code and generate output.

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