Why Build a Website:-
1.Promotion of a enterprise A website can bring wonders to your business, it can promote your commercial enterprise to millions of customers round the globe. Although marketing being the backbone of business, a internet site plays a very crucial position in the promotion of the business. It helps the business to transcend the limitations of time and distance. It acts as a brochure and a marketing tool to make your clients aware of your services/products anytime and somewhere in their own convenience.

 2.Communicate your message Communication is an integral phase of any business success today. Through with the help of a website, you can talk your message economically and effectively. Whatever be your message is, whether it would be commercial, social or personnel, your website is handy to your customers/users 24 hrs a day in order to act upon your message. 
3.Communicate with your customers Make your presence felt among your clients whether they are in your town, country or out of continent, a internet site is an excellent way to provide complete information to your customers about your offerings or products in a more tranquil and peaceable environment than in a traditional shape of an advertisement. Even you can keep in touch with your clients via mailing list, RSS or simply go to your website.
 4.Facilitate knowledge-building A website can be outstanding device to share knowledge among the employees. It can be used as a device to facilitate knowledge building and share vital information knowledge amongst the employees. It can also be used as forums, where human beings can exchange questions and answers and can submit their queries to get an answer. 
5.A sales tool outdoor the office Your website can act as a income tool that works 24 hrs 365 days of the year. Whether you are going to announce a press release or planning to introduce new offerings and products in the market or going to enter in to an alliance with the leading company. The company website of your company makes your consumers or customers updated with the trendy events in your organization hence making them updated with your products and services.
 6.Reach an global market If you have decided to enter in to the international market, it will be enormously beneficial to launch a websites for that market also. The internet site will cater to their specific needs and expectations of that precise market. The regional flavor of the website can assist to earn loyalty of the customers and make them feel nearer to your company, its services and products. 7.Improve Branding The brand can be described as an emotional bond between a company, products/services and customers. It is a way to set apart your products, service or business enterprise from its competitors, and infuse loyalty among customers or clients. The content, style, presentation and equipment such as Newsletters and press release allow you to separate from the crowd. It helps to make your traveler feel good about the enterprise its products and build loyalty.